Sunday 18 December 2016

My International Participation

          My International Participation in many kinds of events started during my form 4 year, which is in 2012. The first programme that I involved in is the Cultural Exchange Programme in Philippine. This is my first time boarding an airplane and make a passport. In school, I always had this feeling of downgraded whenever I need to talk in english. However this programme has spark the courage in myself that actually everyone can and need to talk in English if they want to improve their proficiency. 

          During this programme, I was paired with one of my friends to be adopted by this one family. During this programme, we stay at their house and they were all kind to us. I really appreciate their kindness and my friend and I adapt well in their house. That is the first time I'm wearing shoe/slipper in home. It's kind of weird at first but I try my best to learn their living cultures there. There is a lot of time I made mistakes while converse because I'm just a beginner who wanted to practise English but everytime I did mistakes, I pushed away the shameful feeling that will going to affect my confidence. 

          I continue my international participation when I usually volunteered myself in international programmes whereby as a liaison officer who will usher the international delegates along the programme. I have been assisting the Indonesians, Egyptians, Australians and also Thailand. Somehow, I feel quite sad because I don't have any pictures with them, because in school we cannot bring any phones. We can bring camera, but I didn't do that and now I am regretting for not doing so. However not to worry, because I captured those memories and feelings in my heart. 

          Recently in UKM, I've been selected for a mobility programme to Tokyo on this January 2017. I can't wait to go there because other than I eager to meet the people, I also looking forward to experience winter. I want to learn a lot if things from all over the world because I believe it really plays a big role in moulding a global mind in me. I hope to bring good things to the whole world and break upon any nationality borders among the nations. We are all human beings who help each others and language will be the medium for us to interact. 


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